I love the Bozo bop bag . The cheery fellow always bounces back. Didn't fulfill last year's resolution? Why, tack it on this year's list.
I'm doing today what I do every year at this time - review and resolve. This does have something to do with widowhood, so I'm posting it here. I find I actually do make progress on new year's resolutions, so I'm heartened to believe this year may accommodate my goals. Dunno. Life happens while we're making other plans. No worries. I have a back up plan.
Here are the past two year's resolutions. Kind of interesting, to me at least...
- Enough is enough! I'll not be cowed by fear.
- Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate my life as it is. Generate appreciation of myself as well.
- Insert my heart's desire into someone else's life. I so want to put color into someone's life.
- Be relevant, creating content that resonates.
- Live with PIZZAZZ
- I'd like a man with a 'Flow' gene
Done! Well 5 out of 6
- Seek balance in life's pitching and tossing
- Navigate with this North Star: "You are welcome, [my name]"
- Practice 'welcome' daily, in walking meditation
- Under no circumstances am I to treat myself as unlovable or unacceptable
- Lead a life that is interesting to me
- Immerse myself in MOTION. 2 hours a day during which I can't do anything else but ask myself to move and be PHYSICAL
- I'd like a man with a 'Flow' gene
Done! (all but #6 and 7)
Now here's my list of resolutions for 2014
- Live immensely; be spirit filled and geographically expansive
- Keep resolutions #1-6 from 2013
- Make my own inhospitality toward myself extinct
- Self acceptance above all; after all, God lives in me, in us all
- Love others, as I love me - with care and attentiveness
- Leave people free to be who they are: Welcome is for both you AND me, instead of EITHER you OR me
- Welcome my quirky, warm & colorful SPIRITUAL and PHYSICAL nature
- Keep my PhD in M.W.~ Marital Wellbeing - intact. Where there is ability there is harvest, if only in my heart.
9. I'd like a man with a 'Flow' gene.
What an ambitious list but I know you're up to the challenge. Sounds like it's going to be fun to follow your progress this year.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about the value of blogging. Until you try to put things into words, you really do have a surprising number of 'Ah Ha' moments.
I'm quite flummoxed. You want progress reports? I mean, I never thought of doing THAT. I created this blog to report on angst. Now that I haven't any left, you still want to read what's up with me?