Referring back to Christopher Reeve's comment above - I wouldn't have gone into the ocean unless I lost my playmate in the shallow end of the pool. But this week, though the ocean remains compelling, keeping this Blog going was not. The reader count of last week's post only inched to 25, f i n a l l y, so Blog Oblivion appealed. I'm lonely. I have had trouble keeping up with all my friend's blog posts recently. Sorry!
Right now, I'm in one book group, another online course about 'Deeper Dating', and finally addressing the weeds in my yard. This week I prepared the area for a 14' tall sculpture to be installed. The sculptor delivered it last Wednesday. Beautiful! I meant to post about it - took lots of pictures - but I started writing today, and this came out instead.
Vote! You want posts about 'Deeper Dating'? Pictures of the sculpture? What I write here?
I'm still reading The Brain's Way of Healing , and starting to read Eckhart Tolle's 'A New Earth' for next month's book group meeting. I'm amazed how the brain never stops responding to the stimulation we give it. How much the brain can grow new capabilities, like sight for eyes once blind, like grasping new spiritual ideas or emotional outlooks. Clearly, I'm evidence of how much one brain can grow to overcome emotionally traumatic injuries. You're evidence too, of amazing growth. How many of you, widows or divorcees or retirees or whatever, could easily step back into your old life, given who you have grown into? Sometimes I wonder if my late husband could recognize all I've become if he popped back in.
Neuroplasticity in the brain and in our spirit helps me realize that no experience can finish us off. Yes, our bodies will finish us off, but we have amazing say in how it all shapes out in the meantime. As a kid, I used to hear "Don't be so open-minded that your brains fall out!". But this past year and a half, I'm coming around to believing it's required that my brain fall out, if it means coming unstuck from beliefs and identities that bind me. The world opens up.
Hah! I'm becoming so open-minded, my heart's showing!
Still, I felt increasingly disheartened this week, given how long it takes to write one post, that I talked it over with my friend.
"I write about what excites me! I used to get more hits! Do I belong here? "
Maybe you need to uproot your blog, out of 'Widowhood' category?
"No" I said. Widowhood was my portal. IS my portal. This is still about one woman getting her wheels rolling after the emotional hub of her life dies and she's in the ditch. Bottom line: Widowhood is merely the current wrapping for the precious gift all of us are inside - flawless 'love' beings working out the conundrums of ordinary life.
"So write! "
....So my "Go and Hide' impulse lost out to 'Stay'.
Speaking of conundrums and impulse control, are you excited about watching the first debate two days from now? Hah! My eyes will be glued. I wonder...Who will lose impulse control first? Who will out-disdain the other?
Such a conundrum. Do you think we'll come out of this election inspired?
I started chatting with the woman sitting next to me at the Diner this morning. "Who are you going to vote for?" I asked.
"Hilary, of course!"
This led to an animated discussion, during which I said "Me too. I'm afraid to put my Hilary bumper sticker on my car, though. Afraid some volatile Trump supporter will take her or his key and scratch their opinion of my preference down the length of my car."
We agreed we'd seen few, if any Hilary OR Trump stickers or lawn signs. Are you as intimidated as me? My decision's been made, but I'm not advertising it.
I'm curious. Are there many political bumper stickers or lawn signs where you live? Have you decided who you are going to vote for? I'd love to know!