Sometimes you meet someone who changes everything in an instant.
Sometimes change dawns slowly, then pop! First a red sliver. Then a circle pops out blaring its brightness. Inevitably its shadows come into play.
I saw some magnificent sunrises on Kauai.
I saw so many it's hard to pick one as the best.
There is no such thing as best.
Wherever the sun rises is magnificent.
I see now I was on a spiritual pilgrimage in Kauai. There to lighten my outlook and support joy. I got halfway there my first trip in April.
This time I got all the way there. I know it might not seem that way given my last post, but the sun has to cast shadows. Look how teeny that shadow is in my picture above.
So, what happened on this pilgrimage, this retreat called "Deep Within"? Well, here's one of the events I participated in. A pyramid ceremony. 'Ceremony' isn't the right word, but I don't haven't a better one.
If you can, toss skepticism aside. And believe that God, Spirit, Divine Energy, Air, whatever you call it, wants to reach you with a magnificent message tailored just for you. To do so, 'Air' starts you off with a silent retreat camping on the beach for three nights. Then takes you high into Her mountains, 4000 feet above the sea, for another experience of Her energy. There, next to cabins used by the locals hunting wild Boar, a spiritual man sets up a four sided copper pyramid. A Lemurian crystal dangles from the pyramid's apex. In this energetic portal, in Divine Message Central, messages come.
Realize this explanation and wording is mine, not his. He's far more delightful and eloquent. You see him inside it in this photo.
Once sitting inside, you silence your mind's chatter and open your heart to.... a message, while he blows tones with a didgeridoo.
Yes! The message! It pops into mind, settles in the heart, and fills the body with ease. What would your message be? My message was oh so brief.