Ready or not, there will be a last snowfall.
Remember last post, when I wrote I felt a name change coming on? Shortly after I admitted that, I admitted something bigger.
Post Widowhood needs to scoop you all up and wish you well. I'm saying Bye-Bye.
I've outgrown it. I don't feel 'post' widowhood, 'post' recovery, 'post' relevant. Yeah, it's all 'post'. Yet it's all 'beginnings'. History has given me wings.
The eyes I have found here have felt more real and loving than physical eyes I once searched as I asked "Are you with me?" With your company, my own eyes felt the answer. You have been a new mirror for me, replacing that rusty, dusty, fusty, musty version in my head. Your words have had enormous impact. I don't know if this was exactly what you intended, but in real life now, I'm genuinely warm toward people I feel warmly toward, and genuinely off-putting to people I want to be off-putting to. The congruence is absolutely relaxing. I laugh often. And offload my opinions in other places.
But I'm all talked out here!

I promise - my words will continue to pop up your blogs.
Love you all!